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Is a Home Warranty Worth It?

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When you purchase a new home, it is common for your purchase to come with a one-year home warranty. After that first year passes, you have the option of continuing to pay for that home warranty or letting it expire. The question many new homeowners frequently have is whether or not it is truly worth...

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How Much Does a Custom Home Cost?

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One of the most common questions we receive from our clients is how much they can expect to pay to build their own custom house. There are, of course, a lot of factors that go into such a project. Nationally, the average in 2019 for new construction was $297,963, but keep in mind that this...

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Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Building a New Home

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Building a new home from scratch is the opportunity of a lifetime for most people, yet that doesn’t mean builders don’t see the same mistakes made time and time again. Below, an experienced custom home builder in Pennsylvania shares the most costly mistakes to avoid when building a new home. Rushing the lot selection process...

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What’s the Best Time of Year to Build a New House?

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Once you’ve made the choice to build your own home, there are a number of decisions that follow, including the contractor you’ll use, the kinds of design options you’ll choose, the materials you’ll go with and, of course, when you’ll actually start building. Timing out your home construction project is important, because the proper timing...

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